Basset Hound

Average Height

28 - 38cm

Average Weight

20 - 29kg

Expected Lifespan

10 - 12 years

French Hunter

The Basset Hound has been adored in France for centuries. They were initially bred to hunt small game like rabbits and hares, because their sense of smell is impeccable. Till this day, they are still used to track and hunt these small animals.

A Basset is very placid and laid back. They love nothing more than to be surrounded by their families, especially on the couch. If a Basset is left alone for long periods of time, they tend to become very unhappy and destructive. If you think you love food, wait till you meet a basset hound. They are foodies at heart. Basset hounds love to eat and because of this, they easily gain weight. It is so important to maintain a healthy diet with your hound and have a regular exercise regime to prevent obesity.

When it comes to training, you need a lot of patience. The Basset Hound is very stubborn and training them is not as easy as most breeds, but if you push through, it will be all worth it.

Adding a Basset Hound to your family will always be a good choice. This breed is friendly with every person and animal they meet, including children.

The Basset Hound Anatomy


Head is large and well proportioned. Skull is domed with a pronounced occiput. Skull is of medium width at the brow and tapers slightly towards the muzzle. Length from the nose to the stop is roughly the same as the length from the stop to the occiput. Muzzle is deep, never snippy. The flews overlap the lower lips considerably. Ears are large, low set and have a velvety texture. They hang loosely with the ends curling slightly inward. Eyes are slightly sunken and show a prominent haw. Mouth has a scissor bite.


Neck is muscular and well arched. Chest is deep with prominent sternum. Shoulders are laid back and set close to the sides. Topline is straight and level, with a fairly broad back. Forelegs are short, powerful and heavy in bone. Hindquarters are full and well rounded, approximately equal to shoulders in width. Stifle joints are well-bent. Paws are large and round, with tough heavy pads. Tail is long and appears to be a continuation of the spine, with a slight curve. Coat is smooth, short and hard, with sufficient density. Skin is loose and elastic.

The Basset Hound Coat and Colours

Two distinct colours on the coat.

  • Black & white
  • Black & brown
  • Brown & white
  • Lemon & white
  • Tan & white
  • Red & white

Three distinct colours on the coat.

  • Black, brown & white
  • Black, red & white
  • Black, tan & white

Some Basset Hound Traits

Grooming Frequency

Common Medical Conditions in Basset Hounds

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This is when there is a deficiency of the Von Willebrand Factor (vWF), a glycoprotein that aids in clotting. vWF…

This is when there is an excess amount of body fat. This occurs when the energy intake exceeds the energy…

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