German Shepherd

Average Height

50- 65cm

Average Weight

22 - 40kg

Expected Lifespan

9 -13 years

All American Hero

German shepherds, also know as Alsatians, are the most courageous and intelligent dogs that you will come across.

This hero has been used in a variety of fields and they carry their reputation with honour, and rightfully so. German shepherds are used as guide dogs for the blind, military service dogs and assist in search and rescue teams, to name a few.

The Alsatian first caught the attention of many when a young puppy was taken from a kennel in the midst of a war zone in France, by corporal Lee Duncan. At the end of the war, Lee Duncan then brought his little pup back to America, where the pup was then trained. It does not end there though. This German shepherd then became one of thee most famous dogs in the entertainment industry, appearing in over a dozen films. The breed gained even more popularity when they were used in the search and rescue team during the 9/11 attacks.

Although this dogs has an amazing set of skills and a loving heart, this dog might not be for every household. Because this breed is incredibly hyper active, they do require a lot of exercise. If they do not get all they exercise they need, their frustration is usually expressed in chewing everything that they can find and barking at everything they see and hear.

In order to make sure that your Alsatian blends well into your family, it is important to train your puppy by exposing them to new people and various places. Due to their very weary nature, they tend to not be welcoming to new people and animals if they are not trained correctly. Once they are socialised, they make lovely companions.

The German Shepherd Anatomy


Head is in proportion to the body, skull is broad and slightly domed. The skull and muzzle are of equal length and parallel to one another, they are joined at a slight stop. Ears are erect and moderately pointed. Eyes are medium sized and almond shaped. Mouth has a scissor bite.


Neck is long and muscular. Withers slope down into a short, level back. Chest is deep and is carried well forward. Shoulder blades are muscular and well laid back. Upper arms are long and muscular, and join the shoulder blades at a near right angle. Forelegs are straight, with elbows set parallel to the body. Pasterns are strong and slope at a 25 degree angle. Hindquarters are broad and muscular. Rear pasterns are short and strong. Tail is bushy, and is set low and smoothly into the croup. At rest it has a slight curve, at attention the curve can be accentuated and the tail can raise, but should not be carried beyond the vertical line. Double-coated, with outer coat being dense, harshly textured, straight and of medium length. The under coat is short, dense and finely textured.

The German Shepherd Coat and Colours

One colour throughout the entire coat.

  • Black
  • Liver
  • White

Two distinct colours on the coat.

  • Black & tan
  • Black & red
  • Black & silver
  • Blue & tan
  • Red & black

Black-tipped hairs; the background colour will most commonly be gold, silver, grey, or tan.

  • Red Sable
  • Silver Sable
  • Tan Sable

Some German Shepherd Traits

Grooming Frequency

Common Medical Conditions in German Shepherds

This is when there is a malformation of the hip joint. The hip joint is made up of a ball…

This condition involves multiple developmental abnormalities of the elbow joint, such as abnormal growth of cells, tissue, or bone. If…

This is when there is a progressive deterioration of the cartilage surrounding the joints. Arthritis is the medical term for…

This occurs when the lens of the dog’s eye becomes opaque and loses transparency; appearing cloudy. When the lens is…

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