
Average Height

18 - 30cm

Average Weight

2 - 4kg

Expected Lifespan

12 - 16 years

Fox-faced Beauty

The Pomeranian breed got their name from a province in Germany called ‘Pomerania’. These dogs were made popular by Queen Victoria herself, after showcasing her Poms in a confirmation show. The Pomeranian is also a descendant from large sled dogs and this might be why they are so brave, despite their size.

Poms are very feisty by nature and will often think of themselves as big dogs. This actually can get them into some trouble because they tend to try and attack bigger doggies, if they aren’t not socialised correctly.

The Pomeranian is very alert and cautious, so if your Pom is socialised from a young age then they have no issue getting along with different animals and people. They are actually very loving dogs towards their owners.

This breed in particular is very independent. They don’t always need to be around their owner and this allows them to blend perfectly in home that lead busy lifestyles. This doesn’t mean that they don’t need attention and love though, because they do. So if you are a busy person, leading a busy life but still want a furry little friend, then the Pomeranian will suit you best.

The Pomeranian Anatomy


Head is wedge shaped when viewed from above. Skull is slightly rounded. Muzzle is short and tapers slightly towards the front. Ears are small, set high on the head and stand erect. Eyes are medium sized and almond shaped. Nose is small and black, will be self-coloured in brown, blue and beaver coloured dogs. Mouth has a complete scissor bite.


Neck is of medium length, allowing for the head to be carried high. Chest is deep, extending to the elbows. Shoulders are well laid back, shoulder blade and upper arm are the same length. Forelegs are straight and of medium length. Pasterns are straight and strong. Body is compact and well-ribbed, topline is level with a short back. Hindquarter angulation is in balance with the forequarters. Buttocks is set behind the tail. Thighs are moderately muscled. Stifles are moderately bent and cleary defined. Tail is set high and lies on the back. Double-coated, with the undercoat being dense and soft. The outer coat is long, harsh and straight

The Pomeranian Coat and Colours

One distinct colour throughout the entire coat.

  • Beaver
  • Black
  • Blue
  • Chocolate
  • Cream
  • Orange
  • Red
  • White

Two distinct colours on the coat.

  • Black & tan
  • Blue & tan
  • Chocolate & tan

Three distinct colours on the coat

  • White, black & tan
  • White, blue & tan
  • White, chocolate & tan

Black-tipped hairs; the background colour will most commonly be gold, silver, grey, or tan.

  • Blue sable
  • Cream sable
  • Orange sable

This pattern has random splotches of dark pigment that are overlaid over a lighter shade of the same colour.

  • Blue merle
  • Chocolate merle

Mixture of black, brown, tan or gold in a “tiger stripe” pattern.

  • Blue brindle
  • Black brindle

Some Pomeranian Traits

Grooming Frequency

Common Medical Conditions in Pomeranians

This is when there is a lowered production and release of the the T3 and T4 hormones. The T3 (liothyronine)…

This is when there are low levels of blood sugar (Glucose) in the dogs body. Glucose is a main energy…

This occurs when the dog’s kneecap is dislocated from its normal position in the groove of the thigh bone. When…

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